01 May
MM Brother! Why does facebook say your birthday is on Saturday? This is a lie! I am confused.
29 April at 09:43
01 May at 00:30
MC HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPUT!!!!!! Hope you have a totally awesome day!!!!!!!
01 May at 02:07
LM HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a brilliant day :D :D :D
01 May at 03:05
JY Happy Birthday Sputnik!! Have a mad awesome day!!
01 May at 09:22
MR Broface, I'm confused, why does it say it's your birthday today?
01 May at 09:24
XH he obviously put a fake bday on fb
01 May at 11:55
SC SPOOT! i thought your birthday was in later may than the first and for that i am truly SORRY
HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear friend i hope all your wildest dreams and crazy adventure idea's COME ture!

sorry for the weird caps format of that birthday message i started it then had to go through with it
01 May at 09:45
BN Its so not your birthday. But since i'm already on your page i'm guna flow with it and wish you all the the best on this glorious day of your birth. Don't expect a message on your real birthday
01 May at 10:39
TS happy birthday! x
01 May at 13:29
TP happy happy birthday! hope u r having a lovely day :)
01 May at 15:17
AB Happy Birthday. I didn't get you anything because I'm pretty sure it's not actually your birthday
01 May at 15:28
AT so i was totally going to wish you, but then popular opinion swayed me against it - happy 1st of may though!
01 May at 15:57
DP Happy Birthday!!! Tequila ?
01 May at 16:50
Sputnik We should be doing Tequila even if it wasn't my birthday *cough*
01 May at 17:19
AW I'm pretty sure based on previous years that this isn't your birthday, so I'm going to claim altering your birthday as a long-distance facebook hi-jacking.
01 May at 16:59
DP I know its not your birthday
01 May at 18:01
Declan what are you doing tonight?
01 May at 18:01
Sputnik I was at the Rege to celebrate MY BIRTHDAY, but you weren't there :(
02 May at 01:58
02 May
RBT Unhappy birthday Sputnik! Or, perhaps I mean happy un-birthday?
02 May at 02:02
GT not fair...i want two birthdays too
02 May at 09:38
GT this is messing with my head
03 May at 17:56
Sputnik I don't know what you are talking about.
03 May at 18:19
JH hehehe facebook is wrong suggesting that it is your birthday today!
02 May at 12:07
Sputnik What makes you say that?
02 May at 12:44
JH Because im always right and i know when your birthday is =P
02 May at 12:45
ZM its your birthdaaaayyy!!!! hope your well my brother... been way to busy to even breathe... but when i see you, i WILL hug you. xx
02 May at 19:25
ZM wait... this isnt ur birthday.... we gave you ur hat stand later in the year last year.... fail on my behalf. again. ive been busy. mind not working.
02 May at 19:25
AP I came to wish you a Happy Belated Birthday...but it seems today is still your birthday?? I ask myself, is facebook lying or Sputnik lying?? I think you know which way I'm going...Happy Birthday nonetheless :D xoxox
02 May at 21:42
DE Its your birthday?
02 May at 22:07
Sputnik Yes
02 May at 23:16
DE and its your birthday today too?
03 May at 00:08
Sputnik Yes
03 May at 01:16
DE ‎
03 May at 11:56
Sputnik Yes! :)
03 May at 13:04
ID i think you're changing your birthday every day to be that day.
02 May at 23:21
Sputnik Can you change your birthday on your profile?
02 May at 23:23
DE Nah, i just tried - you cant do it.
03 May at 13:22
03 May
MR Happy 21st birthday broface! Seems like those last 3 years went so quickly
03 May at 00:01
PA seconded.
03 May at 00:05
ML happy birthday for tomorrow! :P
03 May at 01:01
DE well, happy birthday for tommorrow - in advance :P
03 May at 13:21
SP howdy freshki! happy birthing day my sweet! Have a glorious one yes? x P
03 May at 16:22
03 May at 16:56
AP sputnik has it been your birthday two days in a row??? if so happy birthday???
03 May at 19:21
SM hope u have a good b'day man:)
03 May at 19:52
ZS yo sputnik. i hope you have celebrated in style today. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
03 May at 21:32
03 May at 21:50
JO happy birthday sput!!!!
03 May at 21:56
04 May
EB Isn't your birthday in June or July??? Facebook lies. lol
04 May at 02:23
TW wat up sputnik.
happy birthday bru.
04 May at 08:17
JK Happy birthday man!
04 May at 17:17
AB Happy Birthday again, you attention whore you :P
04 May at 21:42
EB Hapee Burfdae!
04 May at 22:27
RC Learn to spell E. I didn't like you as an oldie.
04 May at 23:27
EB ‎... :'(
05 May at 17:28
RC Sorry Mr B. A case of the old fb left on strikes again.
05 May at 17:32
EB hairy muff, it seemed a little harsh. What are you doing tonight?
05 May at 17:38
RC running a maths tute then i dont know
05 May at 17:55
EB Rege after?
05 May at 18:15
05 May
DE Hey sput. i dont know why everyone is taking your birthday so lightly. Genuinely - Happy Birthday. For Godssake, give the man a break for one day! again, and again.
05 May at 10:21
AN So is it your birthday today? I'm so confused, happy day regardless!
05 May at 11:02
AW Sputnik: He took so long to get born that his birthday lasts all week.
05 May at 12:30
MC Hppy Birthday Suptink. Hope you have having a great day again and again and again...
05 May at 12:56
RM Sputnik, I feel it has been your birthday for a couple of days now... either that or its been a really long day... Happy birthday regardless!
05 May at 14:15
05 May at 17:24
VM happy birthday
05 May at 17:24
VM high five!
05 May at 18:23
Sputnik fffft chsshhh!
05 May at 18:24
AN Sputnik Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope it was awsome dude!!!! x
05 May at 21:34
EM Sputnik! I have just had the most marvellous
idea: I never go on facebook (except now for backstage), your birthday
has a suprisingly high frequency. Put the two together and my problem is
solved! Happiest of birthdays Sputnik! May this new age bear you many
good fruits (and vegetables) - xo E.
06 May at 00:34
06 May
EM Sputnik! I have just had the most marvellous
idea: I never go on facebook (except now for backstage), your birthday
has a suprisingly high frequency. Put the two together and my problem is
solved! Happiest of birthdays Sputnik! May this new age bear you many
good fruits (and vegetables) - xo E.
06 May at 00:34
JO wasnt it your birthday yday or the day before?
06 May at 00:53
MC your mother must have hate you. still giving birthday how many days later??? Happy Birthday Dude!!! how old are you now?? 22?? or is it 23??
06 May at 13:09
ZM so confused... please say its your birthday? haha happy birthday again thou!! xxx
06 May at 13:33
DE Happy Birthday Sput. :):):):)
06 May at 15:43
07 May
MC Although I've already said it, "birthday's aren't on the calendar, they're in the heart", and you definitely deserve more than one birthday a year! So, once again, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Have an amazing day and do something totally fun (and slightly stupid)! (and I am now absolved from saying it on your actual day - but know that I shall be thinking of you on that day and mentally wishing you a happy birthday
07 May at 11:14
SC I'm running out of birthday wishes!!
07 May at 12:16
DE Hey sput. Happy Birthday :)
07 May at 14:55
SP Hey baby fresh : ) I'm so proud of you! Happy Birthday. xoxo P
07 May at 17:03
IB woo! many happy returns of the day!
07 May at 18:15
IB happy birthday again dude. having a good run of them i see :P
08 May at 14:09
DM Happy Birthday!!
07 May at 19:15
08 May
EM Dearest Sputnik,
Wishing you the happiest of birthdays on such a lovely day as today. We can celebrate backstage tonight with copious amounts of popcorn!
08 May at 14:58
Sputnik Oh god oh god oh god oh god salt overload
08 May at 15:10
CM Nom nom nom nom nom nom nom
08 May at 15:58
CM Also, happy birthday...??
08 May at 16:00
RC Hey Sput
re our discussion last night
also happy alleged birthday
08 May at 16:16
Sputnik This comic is perfection! I am up to
11 May at 21:16
HJ why is it still your birthday? Im really confused. When is your birthday.... Your not allowed more than one birthday. Otherwise its just not fair :(
08 May at 22:44
09 May
TS OMGGGGG enough with this birthday nonsense!!
09 May at 12:49
PA ‎ old are you now?
09 May at 21:35
Sputnik 26 ±1 year. I don't know if I calculated it right so there is an error margin!
09 May at 22:10
PA ‎27 eh! You could be Gordon Freeman.
09 May at 22:13
AB Or you could be dead like Jimi Hendrix. Mood killer!
10 May at 11:37
DM XD Happy birthday man!!
09 May at 23:00
10 May
TW wat up sput. i see its your birthday. weird eh? well, no doubt u'll have a good day :P
10 May at 13:53
JH you sir are a bloddy old man!
10 May at 20:40
SD you must be 40 years old by now
10 May at 22:49
11 May
DE Happy Birthday Sput...
11 May at 01:15
GM when i came to college, i was a month older than you. now youre 10 years older than me.
im confused.
11 May at 10:19
AT Happy Birthday xxx
11 May at 12:59
11 May at 21:31
ID i am going to do one of these every day until you change your birthday.
11 May at 21:32
ID back to what it actually is
11 May at 21:32
Sputnik You didn't do one yesterday :(
13 May at 00:38
DK Happy Birthday!!!
11 May at 22:15
12 May
EP how can you possibly have so many birthdays!?
12 May at 11:57
MR Have you just given up on responding to wall posts? Birthday related or otherwise?
12 May at 18:38
13 May
JK OK what's with the birthday weirdness?
13 May at 08:34
13 May at 10:29
13 May at 10:30
ID will you stop it yet?
13 May at 10:30
ID you're not the Queen or anything, you know
13 May at 10:30
AP how many birthdays do you have in a year?
13 May at 11:22
CM His mum was in labour for a VERY long time...
13 May at 11:31
AP clearly
13 May at 11:32
DE Hey sput. Happy Birthday man :)
13 May at 16:24
CP According to my calculations you celebrated you 31st birthday today. This is fine, but i want you to know that the current life expectancy for a male is 79, so you only have 48 birthdays left. And if you keep making it your birthday every day, in 48 days time you will never have a birthday again. Is this really what you want?
13 May at 18:44
MR You're forgetting that sputnik is above average, and thus also has an above average life expectancy
13 May at 18:51
EM Dearest Sputnik,
I hope that you had a wonderful day today. I hope it was extraordinary - birthdays should always be less ordinary than ordinary days. The soup at dinner was quite good for Eurest - the hot buttered toast was even better. I am tired now and will retire for the night at this rather ridiculously early hour, I am sure I will be most refreshed in the morning.
Enjoy the rest of your day!
xo E.
13 May at 21:30
14 May
KB Happy Birthday!
14 May at 22:12
15 May
TI Stop having birthdays! :P
15 May at 10:18
16 May
DE Happy Birthday Sput :)
16 May at 01:45
DM Happy Birthday....Be 100% Happy
16 May at 19:46
DM Sorry I could not resist.
18 May at 19:36
Sputnik Oh don't worry, if I was in your position I would have done the same :)
18 May at 19:38
DM I am afraid that I have to retract these Birthday Wishes, until such time as your actual Birthday calls for them to be rendered at an appropriate form of salutation and best wish.
20 May at 17:41
AB My facebook must be broken, it doesn't say it's your birthday today :(
16 May at 20:12
17 May
EB Did you know that if you keep having birthdays, you are going to get very old, very quickly? That won't be much fun for you. You'll be 80 years old and still not finished your first uni degree
17 May at 18:46
18 May

19 May
Sputnik probably should have taken your advice and stopped having birthdays. Now he's dead.
19 May at 00:43
AW Taken from us at the ripe old age of 37 +/- 2 weeks.
19 May at 11:32
AB Sweet, now all your stuff is worth more
19 May at 14:45
ID R.I.P Sputnik
19 May at 20:38
ML that dp is seriously depressing
20 May at 00:37
Sputnik It's getting worse. Lemme out it sucks in here :(
20 May at 01:47
KB Happy Birthday!
19 May at 01:23
OY hey sput?
why is it always your birthday!??! wasnt it good enough sharing your birthday day with mine?
PS: Dont die!!! the office still awaits!
O xo
19 May at 09:50
FF Happy Birthday Sputnik!!! Hope you are having the most fantastic birthday in the history of the world :)
19 May at 12:12
FF it even your brithday?? im confused...i don't go on facebook that much. cake says its on june 4??
19 May at 12:14
CW It's been his birthday for the past month...
19 May at 21:10
20 May
Sputnik They carried me to the hole in the ground, And they buried me, Where no one could see, And no one would be around. I AM A VIRUS.
20 May at 01:46
JM dude! whens your actual birthday!?!
20 May at 13:29
21 May

21 May at 00:17
21 May at 00:30
PC Happy Birthday!
21 May at 00:38
DE Happy birthday sput!
21 May at 13:33
Sputnik Fountain Of Youth'd!
23 May at 18:27
TS so um, facebook didnt say it was ur bday today.. i was thoroughly confused.. ha
26 May at 18:17